At last! Carbon shoe production is rolling - earlybird pricing ends once the first shoes land.


Good news: A1 Carbon road shoe production has started. Buy your pair now before the special offer ends! The first shoes (Sizes 43-46 in black) will leave the factory this month, which will be used to start filling backorders. Shoes will be shipped on a first come first served basis. Please note that some sizes are on backorder numbers deeper than the first delivery quantities, so som earlybird orders may be fulfilled from the second batch.

So, for anyone sitting on the the fence: We said we would keep earlybird pricing online until the first shoes land. As things are going right now (and barring unforseen custom and transport delays), we expect to see the first shoes shipping out to our valued and patient customers within 10 days.

All sizes should be in production soon hereafter, and white shoe production will begin soon after that. 

If you were waiting for the right time to order - it is now!


And to close...

Yes, this that took a long time. We know!

No, we never expected it to take this long either!

But now - we're rolling!